Instead of birds, you could fling gaddafi, bin laden, Mubarak, etc heads at things, or hand grenades at them, kinda like above. ESP since those guys are all dead.
Omg! i cracked up when i saw this hehehe. Ur a genious Sareen!
As for the birds, i have to disagree with Joe, i think the Yellow bird is better for this one. It’ll just smash through the glass blocks with it’s high speed.
I had a conversation with a friend of mine today. They were talking about how you have an amazing sense of humor, and specifically said that this comic should be an international sensation by now. Thought you should know. Keep up the good work!
we should totally make an angry arab game
good Monday to you
Instead of birds, you could fling gaddafi, bin laden, Mubarak, etc heads at things, or hand grenades at them, kinda like above. ESP since those guys are all dead.
Good Monday Sareen!
I LOVE IT!!! sareen bravo you are outdoing yourself
Brilliant ! Well worth the wait
You need the Blue Bird and not the red one, the Blue is the best weapon for the glass blocks! no wonder you’re not succeeding!
Ladies and gentleman, a true Angry Birds fan
looking forward for the next level!
Nice nice nice
keep up the great work
Great job, Sareen!
I think I’ve played this level before, too. It’s incredibly frustrating. Every time you launch a bird, Gaddafi says increasingly insane things.
And upon hearing the insanity coming out of his mouth, the birds explode in midair even before hitting the fort walls! Thanks so much Justin!
ahhh, when I saw this I just had to comment! HAHAH, this is your best post yet, Sareen! Keep it Up!
Hehe thanks so much Nour! I’m always happy when people comment
hahah this is hilarious!
Thanks so so much!
nice …very nice u r so creative …but we should c next time call of duty Arabs wake up…
Omg! i cracked up when i saw this hehehe. Ur a genious Sareen!
As for the birds, i have to disagree with Joe, i think the Yellow bird is better for this one. It’ll just smash through the glass blocks with it’s high speed.
luv your work
I had a conversation with a friend of mine today. They were talking about how you have an amazing sense of humor, and specifically said that this comic should be an international sensation by now. Thought you should know. Keep up the good work!