Ohhh snap! There’s no way she could get out of that one! Oh before I forget, tune in tomorrow for a cartoon related to International Women’s Day!
Have a wonderful stress free Monday everyone!
Hahahahaha! You made my day! I’m laughing so hard that my hips hurt!!
I just love that look the mom is giving Layla in the last panel. Priceless
Hahaha great one!
Looooool! Brilliant as usual hehehe
Oh boy. Hahahahaha.
Lol!lovely bit!
hehehehehe, ktir funnyyyy. incredible.
Oups girl, I hope the mom is open minded, great post, looking forward to know what happened nxt
Hahahah HILARIOUS! LOL I love this..lol lol
Haha! Great post Sareen!
LOOOL so true; made my day.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! This post made my day Awesome one
Hahahaha it could be worst with the boy telling the girl’s mother the same thing :p
Yeah, that’d be pretty awkward. Then her family would have to stone her.
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Hahahahaha! You made my day! I’m laughing so hard that my hips hurt!!
I just love that look the mom is giving Layla in the last panel.
Hahaha great one!
Looooool! Brilliant as usual hehehe
Oh boy. Hahahahaha.
Lol!lovely bit!
hehehehehe, ktir funnyyyy.
Oups girl, I hope the mom is open minded, great post, looking forward to know what happened nxt
Hahahah HILARIOUS! LOL I love this..lol lol
Haha! Great post Sareen!
LOOOL so true; made my day.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! This post made my day
Awesome one
Hahahaha it could be worst with the boy telling the girl’s mother the same thing :p
Yeah, that’d be pretty awkward. Then her family would have to stone her.