HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO INK ON THE SIDE!!! Today marks one year since I began this webcomic. I cannot even begin to describe how exciting this past year has been and the amazing support I’ve had from you, dear Reader. It’s because of your constant sharing, comments, and support that I’ve been able to continuously post something new every week. It hasn’t been easy coming up with something new every week and the entire process was a huge learning curve for me, especially when I moved from drawing with pen and paper to tablet and laptop.
With this new year, I officially introduce the characters that have been constantly appearing on the site with a little bio on each one. You’ll be seeing more of them this year.
Thank you again dear Reader for sticking by me and I hope you liked today’s post! Have a wonderful Monday everyone and here’s to having a great year together!
Congrats darling! Marking a year of amazing drawings =)
You rock as always !
happy first anniversary!! /
Happy Birthday! Such a funny and smart blog! I absoultely love reading it and I look forward to all the new stories you have in mind for the coming years.
Here’s to many happy returns!
Why thank you so much Tala! That’s awfully nice of you
I’m so happy to hear you love reading them!
Happy Anniversary Sareen.
Ink on the Side is truly a comic i wait for every week.
I always wonder what your next sketch would b about
anyway, i praise ur hardwork and creativity.
U Go Girl !
Happy Happy First Birthday… What an amazing webcomic you have created and what great characters and topics. I love it and also look forward to your take of the week.
Here’s to many, many more years at Ink on the Side and to all the great new adventures it will bring your way.
Keep drawing, keep going, keep us entertained with your talent.
Good luck!
Oh Micheline you can’t begin to imagine how much I need to thank you, for sharing the links and encouraging me with your lovely comments. Thank you so so much!
ليست ضخمة؟؟؟ انها متوسطة الحجم
هابي انيفرسري
Was soooooooooooo hoping your head would explode! WOOHOO
:D:D loved the post. the bios, and that you changed the header of the blog too. Happy one year anniversary, you rock, you’re talented and what I love about you the most is how sweet & genuine you are
And that my friend is what makes you special
LOL I swear I had you in mind when I drew the head explosion. I had a feeling you’d like it ;D I’m so happy you noticed the header! It’s going to be up all week
And your lovely comment made my day, thank you thank you!
Happy first anniversary, Sareen:)
Hope you keep it going till your characters get wrinkles!
Worry not, your amazing talent will keep you young;)
Lol well I hope so, I truly hope so, thank you so much for your lovely comment
Happy 1-year anniversary… good to officially meet the characters
Keep exploding!!
Happy Birthday!!!!! Love the new comic every monday! I actually wait for them! lol
All this coming from such a cool person (yeah I know, ego boost) is just pure fun & job!
To more and more comics for the years to come!!!
Ok seriously major ego boost! Lol, thank you so much Gaby! So glad to hear you wait for them every Monday
Sareen! It’s only been a year and you’re already a household name!
Congrats girl , keep’em coming!
Nooo I won’t go as far as saying I’m a household name! lol but thanks for the confidence
Watch my head grow bigger now
3a2bel l 100! i love your blog !
3a2bel el miyi ya rab.. w good luck in your new drawings..
just don’t get another exploding head hehe .. 3a slamtik
good luck again
Ahh but I can never guarantee the head not exploding! It just happens spontaneously
Thank you!
Happy anniversary
We’re twins! haha born on almost the same day! So proud of you girl..keep it up! You brighten my day with your comics!
I know right? You’re the older twin in this case
Thank you so much Danielle for your sweet comment
Head explosions ftw! Keep the great comics coming Sareen
Happy anniversary, Sareen! It’s been a wonderful year. Keep up the great work; I’m sure you have many more years of success to come.
And thanks for the peek at your workstation. It’s neat to peek behind the scenes to see how everything is created
Happy Anniversary
You create lovely, simple and humorous comics. Keep them coming and would definitely love more than one post per week
The best thing about you and the success of your blog is the care you show your fans
For she’s a jolly good blogger,
And nobody can deny
hip hip horray! hip hip horray!
Happy Anniversary, Love your work, you’re brilliant with ur comics.
keep it up!!!
is that a WACOM Intuos 3 tablet!! Oh man Jealous!
marh7aba bil demoiselle ^^
why did i get the angry virus face ><