Ohh the things I had to go through to get today’s post up you guys…Remember a few months ago when I was having some problems with my laptop? Well apparently a demon possessed it again and it just decided to turn off on its own JUST as I was saving my work.
Sooo, boys and girls can anyone tell me what happens when a file, in the middle of saving, gets interrupted? Ok how many of you answered “corrupted”? Congratulations you win a pat on the back. No you don’t win an IPAD! Don’t you think I would have at least bought one for me and gotten rid of my sucky laptop by now?
Anyhoo, that’s what I’ll be spending my day doing today. Buying a new laptop and avoiding a similar crisis! Wish me luck!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
OMG, I hate this question with a passion!
Person: “So Simon, what’s your job again?”
Me: “I’m a Computer Engineer”
Person: “Oh great, does that mean you can fix computers!”
(or “Oh, so you work in I.T”, can you do a website for me!”)
Simon or they say: “my computer is giving me error messages,and freezing, why do you think its doing this?”
I get the SAME thing too! What’s worse is that it’s with my parents! And when I can’t help them they say…”what did we pay all that money on AUB for?”
You blog about fashion? Shu ya3ni?? You read Vogue and put pics?
It’s not my job, but I face the same situation when people ask me about my blog
Shoo ya3ne blog? Shoo hayda? Heehee
Read an HTML book -> Web Designer -> Web Developer -> Software Developer -> Computer Scientist -> Software Engineer -> Consultant.
Original major: Advertising and Marketing.
That is the question I can’t answer straight. I just refer whoever asks me to a couple of lengthy articles online that describe part of what I do. It is complicated at times!
lool good luck for the laptop;
usually i have the same problem like Rafi, but when i give up explaining what i do i end up saying “yes this is it what i do” to any answer they give me!!:D
I love the moving camera angles. Great job on the comic.
And I also have a horrible time answering the job question with a straight face. It’s much more fun to make things up… or agree on whatever someone thinks I do for a living.
I’m so glad you appreciate the whole camera angle stuff! And trust me I know exactly what you mean
My wife, an avid Friends fan, keeps calling me Chandler as in the series, none of his close friends know exactly what he does
-He’s a …he’s a … transpondsder?!
-That’s not even a word!
Yeah it seems I’m a huge fan of Friends too heehee!
Imagine my life: I have a masters in Complex Adaptive Systems.
Yeah.. try explaining THAT one !
Cool comic Sareen !
And good luck with the laptop hunt !
I so know what you’re saying…I get the what’s an Art Director (some think I do paintings lol)
Anyways….I say get a Mac if you can…will save u lots of hassle in the future
Have a great day!!!
Ok I started replying to the comments from bottom to up and what’s the deal with everyone advising on the Mac?! Is Steve paying you guys or something? And…can I get in on the deal too in case he is? Hehehe thanks for the advice Gaby!
I hate this question to death…
good luck with the new laptop… my advice, get a mac. It’s more expensive than pc but u’ll buy peace of mind
Ohh I don’t think I’ll get a Mac..I dunno I used a Mac once and I didn’t really like it for some reason…thanks for the advice though!
So will you be wasting again your money on a windows pc that will freeze based on the weather condition?
A wise person once said: Once you go mac, you never go back
Get a mac…http://youtu.be/C5z0Ia5jDt4
If she ends up buying a mac I will hunt you down !
LOL! Don’t worry Fadi I won’t buy a Mac. Roody, a Mac? Seriously? Hehe thanks for the comment though!
Yes seriously… Read the following hehe:
Oh no! That’s the worst! Losing your work when you’re saving it! UGHHH! Damn! I hope you find a laptop worthy of your work!
Get a Mac lol
I never had a single crash since 2008 !!
Hi Sarine,
Totally feeling you with this post, especially with my job!! Even more complicated to explain than yours! I especially hate it when they used to ask me this question in the village so i came up with a simple answer that always works:
Villager: Shou bteshteghel habibi?
Me: ahhh bel computerrrr.
Villager: Ahhh bravo 3aleik; ahsan shi el computer!!
hahaahah totally works up there but i cant get away with that reply back down in civilization!!