I have to admit, I needed to ask my brother for help on the second panel with what the lady what saying. I asked him what credit derivatives were, he spoke for one hour, and this is the only thing I understood.
In other news, next week is Valentine’s day! Now I have a small dilemma, I had a cool idea about what to draw but then my dad gave me his own idea. I told him it was a cute idea but I’m going with mine. He said if I did that he won’t talk to me for a week.
Sooo I’ve resorted to drawing two Valentine’s comics for next week, and YOU dear reader, be the judge!
LOL …. 2 COMICS NEXT WEEK????? looking fwd to that <3
hehe I hope you like them!
The devil needs to get Wi-Fi set up in hell!
At least a modem for crying out loud…
A 1200 baud modem. For watching YouTube.
Actually no way
. They would go to heaven!
The biblical god illegally copied previous religions.
half the world recession?…. the great flood?
packet sniffers? hacking??… watching every move you do whether you like it or not?
LOL Wissam, I never thought of it that way! Good catch
lool well yeh everything has changed
he needs retirement 
well i am happy that your dad told u that ! so we will have 2 comics 
and about next week
so from now i am telling you i cannot choose between the 2 comics
Listen buddy, you’d better like MINE more or else…
loool well… you are going to draw both !
bass mna3mellik se3er
anyway … it might cost you more
Hell-arious :-}) Thank you for the Ink on the Sidesplitting laugh Sareen :-})
You’re totally welcome Mike! You’re hella awesome! (southpark reference)
Sounds like the Devil needs to upgrade his tech, so he can understand what they are talking about.
He’s like the old crazy man on the street who yells at kids to get off his lawn.
nice one!
we really need to give some courses to the Devil about the 21st century sins.
but,… was it he that created those things that we would fall for (as sins) or was it us that we used these things badly?
(im lost now :S )
And YES, do both comics, dont upset your dad
I’m so lost too Hisham…why did you have to confuse me like that?!
I looove it!
Thanks Emi!
Thanks Moussa!
Original sins are so old-fashioned! Great job, Sareen!
Oh you know, we have to get with the times and sin in more original and fashionable ways. Thanks a lot Mark!
I guess Hell is gonna fill up with more white collar criminals than ever before.
Bwahahaha Your comment cracked me up! And yes indeed
Haha! Great stuff – I like your style!
Hey there Spencey! Thanks so much for your lovely comment
loool…nice one!
Haha I did a similar comic, pretty ridiculous! What is the internet coming to?
I know I know….*sigh* thank you so much Jenn for your comment!
Sigh…the days of coveting thy neighbor’s wife are long gone.
I know! Sadly the good old sins of yore are gone…Thanks for the comment!
Crimes of the times. Get with it, Satan!
i am goiing to hell
the new way
Downloading movies is illegal?
It is, you should rent, buy or stream your movies through iTunes, Netflix and other services legally.
I wonder what would be the punishment for these sins… If they are sins….lol..:)