To answer the software questions, see mentions in the comments a few years back she was using GIMP, though she may have changed since then, although I don’t see why she would as GIMP is FREE and more then good enough to make whatever comic you wish to make….
It’s not about whether they’re real or not, it’s about how stupid it is to think that being gay is a joke or smtg!!
hahahaha awesome
(1 of the reasons I quit facebook)
– don`t u go over-analyzing now
Haha I promise I won’t
Haha poor guy. I’m guessing his friends will start accusing him of photoshopping pictures of him kissing his boyfriend, too…
Awwww….that’s just…so sad isn’t it?
it’s called being fraped
Thank you! I knew there was a “technical” term to this!
It’s sufficiently unexpected that no one would believe it. And this is how people start living double lives.
That would be so sad wouldn’t it?
I think he needs some new friends!
He does doesn’t he? Or just…not come out on FB but in person?
hahahahah +100
Why is the update “47 minutes ago” and all the comments are “2 hours ago”??
Nice though… good work
Don’t shoot the messenger…! I agree, if you’re gonna make a statement like that it should be face to face, not Facebook to Facebook!
you make really really goOd comics…
which software do you use..??
and yea keep the good work up…. ;]
n plz dont mind if I use some of your work at mY site… ; ]
thanks again… ; ]
To answer the software questions, see mentions in the comments a few years back she was using GIMP, though she may have changed since then, although I don’t see why she would as GIMP is FREE and more then good enough to make whatever comic you wish to make….