Erm….no comment about this comic.
Disclaimer: yes I know the black plague doesn’t have symptoms like allergies. So lighten up will you!
Moral of the story:
Incognito mode
And never be logged in unless you absolutely need to be.
I see what you did there with the tissue box.
HAHA! NO comment!
There no safe filter that will save you!
Nope there isn’t!
Possible alternative :’it’s the same mole I had when you married me, you jerk! ‘
Haha I know exactly what you mean. I have to think twice before I “like” anything from toonhole! Thanks Justin!
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Moral of the story:
Incognito mode
And never be logged in unless you absolutely need to be.
I see what you did there with the tissue box.
HAHA! NO comment!
There no safe filter that will save you!
Nope there isn’t!
Possible alternative :’it’s the same mole I had when you married me, you jerk! ‘
Haha I know exactly what you mean. I have to think twice before I “like” anything from toonhole!
Thanks Justin!