I must admit, I’m pretty darn proud of this comic. This is the first time I drew anything containing an action sequence
Funny note, showed this preview to the parents yesterday and they both insisted that the boobs should look bigger. It was sort of an awkward moment for me.
Happy Monday folks!
There are so many reasons I love this comic. The backgrounds, the expressions, and a great joke, too! Great job, Sareen. You’ve really outdone yourself this time.
Didn’t see the punchline coming in the last two panels. Brilliant writing and lines Sareen :-})
hahhaaaaa, so true, you just echoed my thoughts…..Riveria was silicon valley yesterday!
hahah Bravo Sareen
Haha. Good one, good one.
lol u missy are gonna get a lot of hate from certain humans for that… brace urself… but yeah loved the comic
That doctor’s got mighty big feet, and you know what they say.. think he got one of these operations done on himself too ?
Wow. This is freaking amazing. Great job. You’ve outdone yourself with this one.
Now that’s the best joke on this topic that I’ve seen! Also I like the fact that she’s wild-eyed in the last panel. xD
I think I know a couple of chicks who’ve had this procedure done!
A breakthrough, though this looks like a nightmare getting past some ethics boards.
Now that’s using your brains
At least her boobs are smart.
Ouch! that hurts!!
oh btw, did doctor scrub his shoes first?
LOL I highly doubt it, based on how he’s cutting her head open on stage!
hahahaha finally i reached the website :p
as always
wooow i couldnt believe you went that way i love it but i think once she is there for the boob surgery she have nothing up there :p
love the drawings
HAHAHA! Awesome, Sareen. Great comic all around. Great job!
I just realised that this comic also sort of reminds me of this old one…
He took a perfectly good brunette and made her a blonde, lol.
And another nice side effect is if the Zombie Apocalypse occurs she will have less brains, therefor less food. Zombies might ignore her.
I’m glad they have their priorities in order… Really great comic. It’s very clever!
hahah effin amazing!
wow Sareen, you hit nailed this one… and proud you should be of this comic
hahahaha Loved it!
and another facebookslave is born.
sooo funny!great job!unfortunately it reflects the pathetic situation of a big portion of our fellow Leb.women!
John Carney:
Our economy is quickly becoming what people like to call a “knowledge economy,” in which the financial rewards for smart people who are really work oriented are tremendous. Smart women rationally respond to this by spending more time in school acquiring the tools they think they need in the knowledge economy, and once in the work force, working more and harder. The rewards for the dumb staying in school or working long hours are considerably smaller, so they rationally choose more leisure time. What’s more, with the economy geared in ways that limit their opportunities, attaching themselves to a smart mate is one of the few tactics for economic advancement. So dumb chicks have both greater opportunities and greater incentives to try harder to date smart men than smart women do.
There’s just one thing… All the girls who want boob jobs don’t have a brain to squeeze:p