AHAHA!! Then repeatedly tag yourself in it, edit the caption, comment on it so it keeps showing up on people’s news feed, while liking everyone else’s photos so they will owe you one aaaand voila!
I miss facebook, might go and give it another “like”. Who knows, I might get lucky and get a like-back or something! (do they still say that; like-back?)
hahahahahahahaha … sad but true but funny hahaha
AHAHA!! Then repeatedly tag yourself in it, edit the caption, comment on it so it keeps showing up on people’s news feed, while liking everyone else’s photos so they will owe you one aaaand voila!
I miss facebook, might go and give it another “like”. Who knows, I might get lucky and get a like-back or something! (do they still say that; like-back?)
There are certain someone(s) that come to my mind after reading this comic
… Some women are just attention W***ES with severe insecurity issues
It seems a bottle fed generation’s dreams are fulfilled by those “chesticles”… brilliant!
I like it.