My sister asked me to airbrush T-shirts for her bowling team. She said I’d get the chance to make shirts for other teams after they see the work I was able to do.
Her team loved the shirts I did for free. Shame they quit the league before the first game. :/
OMG! I hear this every time when I have a meeting concerning collaborations for my blog
all they offer is exposure
Wow, can I relate! “Brett, there will be many influential people at ( insert event name here). Do stand-up for free just for the exposure!”
Uh, no thanks.
Hello and welcome to my life
“Researching my tax situation for free will be good experience for when you get the next client with my same, exact tax situation.”
Even accountants get this.
You know you’ve made it when someone wants you to do work for “exposure”.
Every self employed person gets this. I’m an accountant and I often get people calling me to prepare their accounts
“We can’t pay you, but I’ll tell all my friends about you, some of them have businesses…”
My stock reply is “So I can do their accounts for nothing and have them tell their friends all about me too?”
My sister asked me to airbrush T-shirts for her bowling team. She said I’d get the chance to make shirts for other teams after they see the work I was able to do.
Her team loved the shirts I did for free. Shame they quit the league before the first game. :/